Monday, October 1, 2012

A Really Honest Post

Okay. The title makes it sound as though I don't always write honest posts. That's not true. I do.

But lately I find myself having a little trouble writing anything at all. And by a little trouble I really mean very, very much trouble. My "posts" page is quickly filling up with drafts that go unfinished and unpublished. Lots and lots of drafts. Because up until now this blog has been a really great avenue for me to gain a little confidence, learn some new things, and do a bit of self-healing along the way. But right about now, it seems more of a frustration than anything.

I realized just how much the other morning. When I woke up feeling funky. And by funky I don't mean, put-on-your-dancing-shoes-and-boogie funky. I mean, bury-your-head-under-a-pillow-and-maybe-never-come-out funky. But I did unbury my head. Long enough to read a super funny blog post.
Not written by me.
It seriously had me laughing out loud. An authentic from the gut laugh. It was a great way to start the day!... Until I remembered how very much I miss writing a fun blog post. Then I just got mad. And by mad I don't mean, I'm-a-flippin'-genius mad. I mean, I'd-feel-much-better-after-blowing-up-a-Porta-Potty mad. So I put on my angry eyes and started an angry post. Totally unfiltered. Trust me. You did not want to read this. I sat on it for three days. Then decided what I needed most was to take off the angry eyes and just write a really honest post. And by really honest, I mean open.

So here are five really honest and open things you should know:

1. After nearly 27 years of marriage, I am in the middle of a divorce. This is hard. Harder than anything.
2. I moved out of my house, in the middle of the night, exactly six months ago. Four weeks before my daughter's wedding.
3. I served divorce papers one month later. Nine days before the wedding celebration in her husband's town.
4. I know that 1, 2, and 3 make me sound crazy. I am not. But over the past few months I have reached my complete and total stress threshold. Several times.
5. And I have successfully made it through nearly one year's worth of holidays "alone". What do I have left? The big ones. My birthday, the anniversary, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Then I can check off a whole year's worth of "firsts". And for the first time ever I am looking forward to January.

And here are five more really honest and open things you should know:

1. If there is anything out there more difficult than divorce, please don't wish it upon me. Or anyone. Because divorce is enough brutality for one lifetime.
2. I feel sad. Really sad. I feel happy. Really happy. I feel like a failure... I feel successful... I feel uncertain of myself... I feel confident... I feel frightened... I feel brave... I feel anxious... I feel peaceful... I feel, I feel, I feel! I pretty much feel everything. And I really feel everything. Often in the same day. But most of all I feel better, and healthier, than I have in a really long time.
3. I cry every day. Some days I cry a little. Some days I cry a lot. Either way, I am growing new wrinkles. To be fair, I have earned them. But that doesn't mean I want them. Ergh.
4. I am learning a lot about myself - who I am, and who I want to be. Each new day I have to look directly at me... and dig deep. Very deep. It's kind of big. And important. And difficult to blog about.
5. Mostly, I am learning a lot about my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Stuff I thought I knew. But didn't really.

And if you are up to it, here are five more really honest and open things you should know:

1. I have learned what not to say to people who are divorcing. Because people have said it to me.
2. But sometimes saying the wrong thing is better than saying nothing at all...    Sometimes.
3. I have been blessed with amazing friends. And amazing family.
4. I have been blessed with amazing everything, really. All along the way. So. Abundantly. Blessed.
5. And I am deeply grateful. Usually there are not words to express just how grateful. But there are tears. So I grow more wrinkles.

There is more. A lot more. Things I miss, things I don't miss; things I love about now, and things I can hardly bear; frustrating things; absurd things; hilarious things; overwhelming things; the good, the bad, the ugly, and...the uglier things. And beautiful things. A dozen or so more lists of five. Or ten.

I have never wanted for this blog to serve as an online journal. Instead, I have wanted it to be fun, inspiring, poignant, clever, thoughtful, and humorous, with messages that people can relate to. Or at least find a little joy in. But those things are hard in coming these days. I also wasn't going to write about my divorce until it was all over. And even then I planned to write only three posts, all in one week, and be done about it. But I'm not gonna lie. This has felt so good to write. Maybe because sometimes I just need to get the real stuff out. Or  maybe because in getting it out I have freed myself... to free my words. I'm not exactly sure. But it may be time for a season of more posts like this. Honest. And most of all, open. So hang with me while I figure it all out.

And I promise. I'll try to leave the angry eyes at home.


  1. I think it's healthy to write like this, so do it. And also, I don't know what the wrong or right thing to say to someone that is getting a divorce so maybe a blog post about what to say and what not to say would be helpful for ignoramuses like me! Just throwing out ideas! ;) Bon courage à toi!

  2. You are amazing. Beautiful. Brave. Courageous. Generous. Wonderful. And oh-so-much-more. What a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing. I hate it when I have so much on my mind and in my brain that it's like it's plugging up all the creativity and space to write and let my thoughts be free.

    I hope you will find a little more freedom with this post - in your thoughts, your mind and on this post - to write, to think to feel just a little more free in the coming hours and days and months and years.

    Thank you for reminding me that letting go is often the way to move forward. {{{Hugs & love to you.}}}

  3. hi aunt Kamian, I'm sad for you. it's like you're at a "coming of age" stage or something with all of those feelings, thoughts, and lists. I don't know what to say, and by reading this, know that there are some things I shouldn't say - but I don't know what they are. I don't know you or George that well, but I like you both! I won't say much more. I remember holding your long beautiful train with other little Gille cousins, and watching your brother do his BMX tricks. You have an awesome family and I'm hoping I/we can be a support for you. But yes, blogging is therapeutic. If only there were enough time in the nights and clarity in my mind, I could write more like you. You seem to have it together:) Have a happy day today!

  4. Love you! I have to say that the Idea of blowing up a port-a-potty is intriguing...;)

  5. Yes! MORTALITY! I can testify that LIFE IS HONEST. And REALITY? Well, it is relentlessly REAL. Quite brutal and oh-so-raw. And, YES! The Atonement of Jesus Christ is what absolutlely everything is all about.

    Hooray for "keepin' it real"!

    Galatians 2:20


  6. Much love to you!
    Sometimes our words stop unless we use real ones. We can't write the next thing, until we write the one that needs to be written. You've done a great job with being honest and real, while keeping the angry eyes at home. (And avoiding blowing up port-a-potty's. Good job. I personally imagine throwing china.)
    And some things are so big in our lives, that even when we want them to, they defy containment to something like three blog posts.
    I'm wishing you a peaceful end to this difficult journey, and peaceful places along the way.

    On a different note, thanks to one of your previous posts, now every time I see a little econo-car, all I can think is, "crack it like an egg."


  7. You are an inspiration.

  8. Honesty is a good thing!! Sometimes opening up and putting those words out there is like taking a hot soapy shower after a workout ... it makes you feel refreshed and yet exhausted at the same time. I can't imagine the emotions you experience on a daily basis. In the past year two of my kids have divorced their spouses, and watching what they've gone through and are still going through is painful. I think about you and Lesli and your dad often. I know that the only thing I've been able to do for my kids in this past year is give them my love and support and that's what I'm sending your way as well. Just know that this crazy blonde chic out here in Idaho feels like we are somehow like family (after all we have the same maiden name) is thinking about you and wishing you nothing but a few moments of happiness each day as you heal and rebuild your heart, mind and soul.

  9. 1. Thanks for keeping it real.
    2. Never stop writing.
    3. You have a friend in Prescott AZ ( I can relate to the whole porta-potty thing)
    Hugs and respect,
    Jennie Rounseville

  10. To all of you, thank you so much! You have truly touched my heart! Love to each of you.

  11. (((HUGS))) (((HUGS))) ((((HUGS))) a thousand times over! (that'll have to do until I run into you again in-real-life and can give you a real one). I'm so sorry, sweetie...just...about the whole darn thing. I can't even imagine how painful the divorce process would be. Not to mention I'm sure people say looooads of stupid things. Good for you for writing a honest post. The world needs more of them.


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