Monday, July 25, 2011



I like this word. It sounds cool. And it's fun to say. And it's about happy, unexpected, fortunate happenings. What more could you possibly want from a word? Really. I can think of nothing. One day I would like to think up a word that is even half as good. And then make it a part of everyone's vocabulary.

Serendipity is good any time. But it's best when it happens in real life. 
When it does it goes a little like this. 

Serendipity Scenario 1: You're at Girl's Camp. It is hot, hot, HOT! And soon time for campfire. Who wants a campfire when it is hot, hot, HOT? Enter a serendipitous (also a most excellent word!) idea.

Poolfire!! Without the fire.

 And the best "campfire" ever!

This spider decided to join us. By swimming across the water. Where do these things come from, anyway?

 Here you can see reflections caused by propane lanterns at poolfire.

Serendipity Scenario 2: You're still at Girl's Camp. It's the last night and you have made it through the week with no pranks. And you wake in the morning to find a minivan covered in silly string, graffiti, and all sorts of fun messes! It is not your minivan.

But later you find out it was meant to be!

Seriously. This happened. If I had known it was meant for me I would have taken a picture. But trust me when I say, serendipity doesn't get any better than this!! I mean honestly, what could be better than feeling the love from the girls...on someone else's van? Thank you, ladies! You rock my Girl's Camp world!!! : )

Serendipity Scenario 3: There is a dramatic Midwestern storm moving in. You are working to learn a new photography technique and decide to practice while shooting the storm clouds. While trying to get a shot like this...

Another version: end up with a shot like this.

LIGHTNING!! In a photo. Of MINE!! 

I could not in a thousand years capture this shot by actually trying. 
This is true serendipity!! 
And needless to say, it made me silly with excitement. : )

Here is another version.

And another:

I may, or may not, have even more versions of this serendipitous photo sitting on my computer.

So there you have it.
It rocks my world.

Now I wish for you a week filled with serendipity! 
Watch for it. 
And when it happens, think about it. And say the word. 


It just feels that good.
: )


  1. Cool! I love the picture right before you caught the lightning with the amazing cloud formations!

  2. You know I'm beginning to think you actually like spiders. I like the idea of poolfire. It should become a tradition to have that at least one night at camp.

  3. I'm so glad to see a blog post from you! I've been missing it in my life. And the lightening photo, wow. That's pretty spectacular. Definitely close to impossible to capture on purpose. I'm sure thousands of photographers wait for hours, days, weeks on end trying to get a shot like that! Way to go mom.

    ps. this is not Scott. This is Karissa. And Blake, who is sitting on my lap kicking his legs.

  4. Wow!! The water, the lightning... those pictures are AMAZING!

  5. SOOO cool! How amazing to capture that! I love fast shutter speeds. Right now the coolest things we get on camera are funny faces of Nathan. Which works for us right now :o) I wish Idaho had more thunderstorms so I could have a chance to play. Good job to you!! I love new photography techniques! I LOOOVED the water ripples too. How cool!


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