Thursday, December 1, 2011

Under The Christmas Tree

Today is December 1st.

I used to have all of my Christmas stuff up by the weekend following Thanksgiving.
Then I used to have it up by the Monday after Thanksgiving.
And then I used to have it up by November 29. Or 30th.

Today is December 1st. And I still have unpacked boxes of Christmas decor scattered everywhere.

This was not my intention, but important things got in the way.
You know, like "Angry Birds" and "Words With Friends".
(Don't judge. We made it into a family holiday event.)

But you should know that in spite of the boxes littering my living room, the Christmas tree is up.
With two ornaments on it.

And nothing underneath.

I don't know what is typically found under your tree by now. But mine usually sees a tree skirt.
And then presents. Which I usually shoot to have under the tree by midnight on December 24th.

However, this year I found an early unexpected something under my Christmas tree.

I found it when I climbed under the tree to wiggle it around a bit in its tight corner...
     ...then rolled onto my back to breathe out a deep sigh after some long, hard days (months).
I found it as I laid there, quiet and still, and opened my eyes to view my tree from the underside.

It only took a second to realize why my dog loves to hang out there.
It's cozy and all safe feeling.
And I said so out loud.
So Kid Middle crawled under and joined me.

Lying there, we felt like campers in dense forest, looking up into twinkling skies.
In a climate-controlled environment.
We talked about camping, and forests, and stars.
And microwave ready S'mores in climate-controlled environments.

And then we began to giggle.
     And laugh.
     And laugh some more.
Until tears were rolling down our cheeks and our abs began to ache.
It felt so good that we just laughed for as long as we could, for no reason at all.
Except to laugh.

And in those few moments under the Christmas tree I found Laughter.
And little slivers of Joy and Peace.

Sometimes I forget about these things.
I don't mean to. It's just happens.
I get busy with life, and caught up in the distractions, conflicts, and challenges that get in the way of what matters most.
And before I know it, I've forgotten what Laughter, and Joy, and Peace feel like.
And sometimes when I have forgotten I don't even know it till something comes along to remind me.

The fact that this reminder came with the Christmas tree is not completely surprising.
I have always loved putting the ornaments on the tree.
Each one carries a special memory that I get a chance to revisit as I unwrap and carefully place it.
I planned it this way from the beginning. And have loved it ever since.

But it takes an empty and bare tree to hold ornaments.
I don't usually like empty and bare.
Because it feels just like it sounds.
So it was surprising that the reminder came from time spent there.

But now I have fallen in love with the unadorned Christmas tree.
It is simple.
It is beautiful.
And I will forevermore see it as hopeful.
Because this year under the Christmas tree I didn't just find Laughter, and Joy, and Peace.

I created a memory.
And found a little bit of me.

Sometimes discoveries like this come in unexpected ways.
And sometimes they come by seeing things from under instead of out.
But if we pay attention they can remind us of the forgotten things that matter most.

May your Holiday Season be happy and full,
replete with discovery and memories.

And Laughter, and Joy, and Peace.


  1. Your peace ornament is my most favorite new ornament I have seen so far this year! And I love your story and discovery and reminder for me. You are wonderful and don't forget it! Love you so much.

  2. Moments like that are what you all will remember as we get older. You won't remember whether your tree was up and decorated on time ... just the priceless memory of the giggles you shared. Love, love, love this story and wish you much peace and joy during the holidays! (LOVE that ornament!) Thanks for sharing!


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