Thursday, May 5, 2011

When Kid Middle Met Her Man

For years Kid Middle has been dating boys. Lots and lots of boys.  For the past while our post-first date conversations have gone like this:

Me:  " was the date?"
Kid Middle:  "It was fine."
Me:  "Fine? What do you mean by that?"
Kid Middle:  "It was good, I guess."

Long pause...

Me:  "Hmm. So, what did you think of him?"
Kid Middle:  "Eh, he's a cool kid."

(Or a fun kid... or a cute kid... or a nice kid... or whatever description of "kid" fits that day.)

Me:  "A kid? What does that even mean?"
Kid Middle:  "I dunno. He's cool."

(Or fun... or cute... or whatever.)

Me:  "Hmm."

Then silence.

And I have always been left to wonder, what the heck does she means by kid?
And why the heck is it so hard to suck boy information out of her?

But one day I got a different kind of call from Kid Middle. It went something like this:

Kid Middle:  "Mom." (Yes, she said it like a statement. A very urgent statement.) "I just went on a date with the most beautiful man."
Me:  "Really." (Yes, I said it like a statement. Except not urgent at all.) "A man?"
Kid Middle:  "Yes... a man."

And when she said man it was all oozy and junk.
Then she spilled. And spilled. And spilled. I could not get Kid Middle to shut up!
Suddenly she was an open book about all things man.

And I got that mother feeling that tells you things are about to change.

Kid Middle sent me these picture texts. And I learned stuff.

Stuff like that man wears sunglasses.

And a uniform.

Right then I knew we were in trouble.

(Leave it to Kid Middle to find the one man who would not be intimidated by her father...)


  1. Love that last line. It made me lol, seriously.

  2. Awesome! I, too,loved the last line :)

  3. Kid Middle did good. Do you suppose you could tell Kid Middle's fianceé to let it slide if he ever pulls me over? I noticed the city on his patch and I don't live very far from his city.

    I love the way you write and you are an amazing photographer. I've always wanted to learn photography but, alas, it has never happened. Keep up the blogging! I love keeping in touch with you and your kids.

  4. LOVE it!! I am so excited for her! He seems like SUCH a great guy! Quite the looker too :o) lol I love seeing her pictures on Facebook and having texting conversations to get updates. I am SOOO excited! Are you doing their engagements?

    Love that picture of him in the uniform...he looks all brave, like the type that would be intimidated by your hubby! :o)

  5. ...and I'm just teary...and excited! :)

  6. George should be intimidated by him! But he won't be. It looks like such a great fit, Man and Kid Middle.

  7. HAHA. I am so excited for her! 3 girls down and 1 to go! : )


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