Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Life and the Blog

Sometimes the blog gets in the way of life. When that happens things like this happen:

I neglect the dishes in the sink.

I neglect the papers on the counter.

I neglect the dog.

And sometimes I neglect eating. 
Really. I do.

It's all because I like the blog. I like it a lot. Sometimes I like it enough to neglect eating.
I don't really have to like anything at all to neglect the dishes.

And sometimes life gets in the way of the blog. When that happens things like this happen:

I paint stuff.





(I acknowledge that you didn't really need to be told "before". Or "after". 
And may I take a moment to say how much I love the grey? It's perfect!)

I take short trips to Branson and see The Brett Family Singers. 
And my dad. 
And my daughter. 
And my grandson. 
And my two sisters.
 And all kinds of other important people in my life. 

(This is not all of them.)

I take long trips to Utah where lots more things happen.

(Not Utah, or anything that happens there. Just the best part of the very, very long drive to get there. 
I love these windmills!)

I come home from long trips to Utah and have company. 
Really important company. 
Including company I get to babysit. 

Isn't he just amazing?

drum roll, please

Kid Middle gets engaged!!

Yup, that's right! Kid Middle is getting married! 

I know. It's just not right. 
I like to think in my mind that I'm 26. Which would make Kid Middle about 1.

And now I have all kinds of things to blog about! For at least a week.
I will stretch this out. Like jeans. And a really cheap sweater. 
So stay tuned for posts to come!

For right now, it's back to life. 
Because life didn't just get in the way of the blog this time. 
Life got in the way

Which makes me think. Maybe it wasn't really life that got in the way of anything at all.

Maybe it was living.

And isn't that what it's all about, anyway? : )


  1. are those bullet holes in the sign? How COOL! Mitch says he's very proud of Jasmine for marrying a guy who packs heat :o) Gun-carrying hubbies are the best! They keep us little girls safe!!

  2. May I just say, that second "after" picture of the painting, is my work.. and I'm pretty sure first one is too... Recognition where recognition is due, that's all I'm sayin' ;)

  3. I love how you edited the picture of my baby! He is so cute. And he loves you alot. And Papa Ding too. :-) (and this was from karissa)

  4. I must admit I was leary about the grey, but it is absolutely GORGEOUS!!!! The paint job is nice too.

  5. Surely you could have fit a few more events/things/accomplishments into the past couple weeks, don't you think? Oh, you forgot the run. And it's all good! Ain't life grand?!!!

  6. When I look back at my journals and there are long, long stretches of nothing recorded, I like to think that's it's because I was out living my life (instead of inside writing about it). Good for you for being able to do both! And we are SO excited for the big engagement news!!!


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