Monday, June 6, 2011

Going to Camp

Today I am going to Girl's Camp.
Five days of outdoor living with 120 girls between the ages of 12 and 18.
This sounds a little tortuous. And sometimes it is.

But I actually really love Girl's Camp!

Except for the sticky heat.
And the dirt.
And the mosquitoes.
And the dirt.
And the ticks.
And the dirt.
And ants.
And mice.
And snakes.
And dirt.

And spiders the size of small hamsters.

Not making this up. They are that big. And sometimes they carry their whole baby brood on their backs. I'm sure they do this in hopes of us sparing their hairy, squishy lives. And sometimes it works, because who wants to deal with all those scattering little spider babies? But I will not bow! When I see those crazy spiders moms all I can think about is how everything is cute as a baby, even kittens, and then it grows up. I know that one day those little clingy spidey guys will be the size of small hamsters. Just like mom. So I have no problem calling someone else to kill the sulky and conniving females...and their broods.

This week I am going to try something new. Mobile blogging. From my cell phone. Because there are always great things that happen at camp and you don't want to miss out, right? I have no idea if this will work. But you might want to check it out just in case!

Now wish me luck with the slimy showers, poison ivy, and 120 girls who giggle and scream all through nights
1-3, and cry all through night 4...

Signing off with a large can of spider spray, ear plugs, and enough chocolate to last through a seven year drought. Yes, you can be my friend. I like to share. : )

Hasta la Vista, baby!

PS. Here are some cool spider pictures for your Monday enjoyment. Because I want everyone to enjoy spiders as much as I do!

PPS. I don't really enjoy spiders at all. They are creepy. And unpredictable. And not at all cute. Even as babies.


  1. Hahahaha! I have personal experience with killing one of those mother-carrying-brood spiders. And the babies did scatter. We did not know there were babies on her back until they scattered. I get the heeby jeebys just thinking about it. But I do kinda wish I was accompanying you on your g-camp trip...I LOVE girls camp! Why? No idea. But I do. Especially when chocolate is involved. I'll be thinking about you while I sit at the pool this week! :-)

  2. I hope you'll be able to keep your chocolate in a cool place so it's not one gloppy mess when you need some.

  3. ughhh! Good luck! :o) I agree with Heidi--good luck keeping some chocolate on hand! I found that Tootsie Rolls were a pretty good fix, even if they aren't real chocolate, because they don't melt! Have fun with my mom this week!

  4. Okay. As I was reading your list, and remembering Girl's Camp in Kansas (really Missouri) I kept saying and spiders, and spiders, and then you finally got to the spiders. Were you there the year that they condemned some of the cabins because of spider-infestation? Of course that was after we were already moved into said cabins. I will think of you with fond memories of girl's camp years in the past.

  5. OH MY GOSH, please tell me you packed RAID in the super size, I would pack that before the melty chocolate. EW, you girls can't believe you do this...ICK! I went to camp when I was young , in cabins hotel like, swimming pools, chapel, dining hall oh and BOYS...lots of them, got my first kiss at camp...Mickey I better change the subject! Have!?

  6. Why is that we are all more concerned about the chocolate melting than anything else? Oh, yeah. The spiders. You are woman, can handle anything and will have great blog material. Hats off to you! No, keep your hat on or your part will get sunburned. And that can hurt and look funny.


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