Thursday, September 1, 2011

Lean On Me

It happened on a run last spring.
On a contemplative run, when I was feeling especially vulnerable.

And especially alone.

I rounded a curve on the trail and saw this most majestic sight!
It was a tree, or maybe two.
I'm really not quite sure how it works.

But it spoke to me.

It spoke of refuge,
of sanctuary,
of protection,
of support,

of a place to lean
when I am not strong enough to stand on my own.

I wish the picture could do it justice.
It is so magnificent!

And profound.

I have gone to visit that tree again. And again.
It always takes my breath away.

And quietly reminds of those who have been there with me
when I could not have been there alone.
And I am grateful.

We all need somebody to lean on.

Sometimes nature speaks loudly the most fervent whisperings of our souls.


  1. "Sometimes nature speaks loudly the most fervent whisperings of our souls."

    So, so true! Nature and the outdoors is so often my source for grounding and centering when life gets heavy and overwhelming. Thank you for articulating this so well. :)

  2. Trees and nature sometime speak to us and they are also really good listeners. And there are seasons of leaning and seasons of supporting others who lean in our lives. We can grow and be blessed in both positions. Love you!

  3. Your sentiments always cause me reflection as they resound loudly on so many levels! I am happy to be "leaned" on if you need a "limb!"

  4. Trees are like good, life long friends--always strong and dependable.


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