Thursday, March 1, 2012

High Expectations

It's March. This is good.

I did not write even one post during February. This is bad.

I only picked up my camera twice between January 17 and February 23. This is also bad.

But I am going to do better. This is good again.

The End.

Not really the end. But honestly, that's about all I've had to say. For days. Maybe even months. Is your life ever like that? I mean, I've wanted to blog really, really bad, but I've had a hard time coming up with stuff worth blogging about.

And it's been exactly one year and three days since I wrote my first blog post. I remember the expectation I set for myself to blog every day. For 13 days. Which reminds a little of the time decided I was going to teach my kids to tell me 'thank you' when I changed their diapers. It didn't work. In either case. But after a completely dry February I am ready to try again.

So here is my Blog Proclamation to The World.
Well, to My World. Of six.

This March I will blog more than twice.
I will try to include one clever post and one thoughtful post.
I will also post at least one picture.

That's all.

And how's that for high expectations?
I think I have finally figured out the key to my blogging success.
Lower my standards.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! That's how we've been too! Luckily I almost always have new pictures to show off to grandparents on the blog, but no cool happenings to go with them. How do you not take pictures of little kids, though, ya know? It just happens. And then they're big.

    PS--Remember the Isgett Family? I swear their little boy gave me the sincerest, sweetest little "thank you!" every time I changed his diaper :o) It was a crack up!!


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