Friday, June 15, 2012

B is for Baby!!

And Babysitting.
And Busy.
And Breakfast.

If you've read my post from earlier this week you will know that I have been Babysitting Kid Two's Kid One. And if you're like me, trying to make sense of that at the end of a long day makes the head a little dizzy.
So I'll simplify.
I've been Babysitting Grandson One. Since Monday.

This has been FABULOUS! 
I promise you that there is not a cuter, funner, happier, goofier, or awesomer Grandson One out there!
I am also pretty sure that there is not a Busier Grandson One.
And by Busy, I mean, Constant. Motion.
As in I could not snap a-photo-that-did-not-contain-blur constant motion.
At least with the iPhone.

Exhibit A:

And all week long I remembered that I am older than 27.
Because this is how it went...

On Monday it was meeting for lunch to make the Grandson One hand-off.
He decided to show off his awesome dunking skills.
At the dining table.
By dunking the pepper shaker in my water.
And then laughing hysterically.
I'll admit it. I laughed, too.

Tuesday it was grocery shopping.
Where I remembered that there is no good place in a grocery store for a 17-month old Grandson One.
Because they really, really do not like shopping carts.
And they really, really do like gravity.
And stealthily grabbing and hiding surprises in the cart.

I also remembered that I used to have a 4-month old and a 17-month old that I would shop with.
At the same time.
Which explains a lot about my brain...

Breakfast on Wednesday looked like this:

Grandson One, on the counter, helping me with breakfast.
And by helping me with breakfast I mean playing with my spice jars...

And throwing them on the ground...
And opening them...
And emptying half a spice jar of Coriander seeds onto the countertops and floor.

(Guess what? The dog doesn't know what to do with Coriander seeds, either.)

You should know that I burned 4 pancakes that morning. A new record.

And the Thursday highlight?
It's a fun one...

Me and Grandson One.
In the local hardware store.
Not holding onto each other because he is independent like that.
I turn a corner. He does not.
He hangs back to find a row of glass light covers right within his little Grandson One reach.
I had no idea they were even there.


A big glass light cover launched into the air.
Once upon a time it had been shaped like a globe.
Pretty sure he thought it was a ball.
But it didn't bounce.
Instead it was more like this...



Grandson One was a little stunned. But did not cry.
I was a little embarrassed. But did not cry.
We just left the store.
As. Quickly. As. Possible.
Sorry. No picture.

(Gladly, the store guy who had to clean up the mess thought it was amazing, too. He even said how super cool the shattering glass sounded. I wonder if he really meant that or if he was just trying to be nice?)

By Thursday night I realized that I really had started the week with every intention of taking awesome photos of this kid while he was in my care.
By Thursday night I also realized that this was an impossibility without the help of an assistant.
Or two.
Maybe three.
Not to mention the brand new "boy mark" on his forehead from a poolside fall.
(Yes, I totally watched as this happened.)
And by Thursday night I also realized that I did not manage to pull my real camera out of its bag.
Not even One. Single. Time.
And I gained a new respect for Photog Moms everywhere.

So instead of really awesome photos, Friday morning we went to the park and I snapped these.
With my iPhone. Again.

Grandson One likes to swing...

And ride...

And slide...

And RUN!!


From me.

Friday afternoon we did this...


And this...

Where Grandson One's favorite part was this...

Splash! Splash! Splash!!

It was a joyous week!
And we had to work hard to get it all in.
But we did.

*Happy, contended sigh*

Now it's almost time to start the drive to return Grandson One to his rightful owner.
I feel really sad about this. It's been great having the little Buddy around.
And I am going to miss his Busy little hands and feet.

Even though they kept me from a few things.
Like Blogging. Which also starts with a B.
And showering. Which does not.
Unless you "Bathe".


  1. Well I have to say that your grandbaby is ALMOST as cute as my two grandsons lol!! There is truly a reason we have kids when we're young huh? I watch my grandsons (ages 3 and 2) every other weekend. We get to have a sleepover and watch movies about dinosaurs and dragons and eat lots of burnt pancakes, chicken nuggets, gummy worms, fruit snacks and cookies. They've now outgrown the spice jars and now they love grandma's "hair thingy" drawer. It's amazing how the claw hair clips have become "sharpteeth" (everything in their world revolves around dinosaurs and dragons). I cherish every minute (even when I don't get any sleep or anything other thing accomplished). I just have to keep reminding myself that someday they'll be 10 and 11 and won't want grammy kissing and hugging them every single second that they're standing still. I too start out the visits with great intentions for taking awesome pictures, and if I'm lucky I might get one with both boys squinty-eyed and smiling (as that's how they smile at cameras when they're 2 and 3), but never are they both looking at the camera at the same time, never, ever. I am glad you had a great visit with your adorable grandson! I think about you often and hope you are doing great!!

  2. Hahahaha the life of a toddler and the person chasing them!! Awesome :o) You sound like you're having SO much fun!! Little Bubs is just DARLING! I can't believe I've never met him, when I feel like I know him so well!

    Now, for the real question...which 2 of your kids are only 13 months apart!?!? #1 and 2? You are brave!!

  3. Kam, you have done it again! Such a fun and clever post. And thanks for the window into your week with your adorable Grandson. And I have no doubt you will sleep well tonight!

  4. Bahahahahahaha!!!!!

    I am SO proud to call him my son. :-)

    I think I need to call you now...


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