Thursday, June 21, 2012

Rachmaninoff Rocks My World!

It's Thursday. Which is piano lesson day. 
And a reminder that I am way behind on posting the good stuff 
that has happened over the past few months.

Like this...
( the constantly moving fingers.
Not the constantly moving head of the man in front of me.
Or the constantly moving camera as it tries to avoid the constantly moving head.)

And then check this out...

He's finally learned that
If He Plays It, They Will Come.
A chick magnet in the making.

And thank you, ladies, for gifting him the lovely flowers.
That will never die.
We love you, too!!
: )


  1. That was amazing! He is such a graceful player. Rachmaninoff is my second favorite composer. Landon plays really well and is fun to watch. Awesome, awesome, AWESOME!

  2. Mitch and I watched this about a dozen times (seriously) when he first posted it on YouTube. Amazing!! I'm more of a Debussy and Mendelssohn girl myself, but Rachmaninoff is amazing too!! And so is LANDON!!

    It was fun to see my sister in pictures! I miss them SO much. No one should be forced to only see their family once a year. It sucks.

  3. SUCH a talented guy! As for it being a chick magnet...definitely! The older he gets, the more they'll flock. The good looks don't hurt any, either ;)


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