Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday Photo

No introduction needed.

And there you have it.

The Smart Car.

I don't know why, but I find this car to be incredibly annoying.
And every time I am driving behind one I just have this urge to...
Inch up...
And tap it.
Bump it from behind.
Just a tiny bit.
To see if it will crack open like an egg.

I know. It's not rational. But it is what it is.  
And this urge stirs from deep within my being. 
It's very hard to control. 

However, even I was surprised when I came upon this car in the parking lot the other morning and still felt that same urge.
While walking.
So I had to take a picture and tell my story.

And that is the end.
Aren't you glad I told you?

Now I am on my way to the Caribbean for a week away with extended family. I will be traveling with Nikon. Hopefully, between the two of us we can have some far more stellar Friday Photos than the offering of today.

Bon Voyage!
Happy Independence Day!
God Bless America!


  1. hahaha My inlaws have one of those...

  2. An egg? A bumble bee? Either way, squish! These cars may be smart in some ways (or one way), but I don't think it has anything to do with protection in the event of an accident - like when you (un)intentionally bump into it. Hmmmm.....

  3. Woo hoo! That last bit got me! The Caribbean!?!? That's amazing! The most exotic place I've ever been is Orlando on our honeymoon...haha I'm such a victim of a Kansas childhood! Orlando was the first time I ever saw the ocean! I'm so wanting a summer vacation right now, but we have to wait until school ends in a month or so!

    Enjoy! Treat Mr. Nikonium to a lot of fun views and gorgeous lighting and colors :o)

  4. It's not the best quality, but according to this commercial, the car should be pretty safe... from Godzilla.

  5. yeah...not a fan of the smart cars. They just look so...vulnerable.


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