Monday, March 7, 2011

Amazing Things

Okay, I just have to start off by admitting that I was a little too optimistic to think I could blog for 13 days straight. I know. I only made it 6. And as guilt receptor, I feel really bad about it! Somewhere in my head I'm pretty certain there was 1 person who was really, really disappointed in me. And somewhere else in my head there was 1 person wondering if everything was okay. The other 1 was doing the happy, "I knew she couldn't do it!", dance. (Yup, that covers all three of you.) It's a lot of pressure. Really. But I traded in Blog Day 7 for a Sunday nap. A very LONG Sunday nap.

This whole thing feels a little like starting a diet where you're going to lose 10 pounds in one week because that's a completely reasonable goal, right? It's all water weight anyway. You start on Monday and eat melba toast. Tuesday is celery. Wednesday morning is grapefruit juice. But Wednesday afternoon is Oreos (with skim milk). Then cheesecake. Then muffins. Then Lay's Original potato chips with french onion dip. And peanut M&Ms (with whole milk). And pizza. Meat Lover's pizza. It's pretty indulgent. And you feel guilty. And start again on the next Monday (since you've already totally blown it for this week) with a more realistic lose only 8 pounds in one week.

So, it's my next Monday and I have a more realistic goal. I will only blog each weekday. For the next 5 days.

Whew! Now that I got that out I can get on to my real entry!

(Here's a hint.)

Two months ago today I became a grandmother. I have to admit I wasn't too excited about this idea at first. I'm only 29. But as soon as I held that sweet baby boy in my arms I fell in love! There really is nothing in the world like snuggling your own grandchild.

I got to be there for my daughter's very long labor, the delivery, and for a full week after he was born. One late night, when he was about 4 days old, I wrote this short and simple list of:

Amazing Things
(I should call it, So Amazing Things, just to emphasize how amazing these things are.)

1. Labor and delivery from the non-laborer/non-videotaper/just intense observer and supporter side. Wow!

2. Hospitals, doctors, modern medicine, and intervention - both good and bad.

3. How easy and refreshing it is to be the grandparent, and not the parent. :-)

4. The smell of a newborn baby. (I'd forgotten!)

5. How little sleep you get with a newborn around. (I'd forgotten!)

6. Experiencing the strength and guts of your own daughter as she becomes a mother.

7. The flawless masterpiece that is new life.

8. Family dynamics. More specifically, how much I love being a mom and don't so much love being a mom-in-law. (I'm not very good at it.)

9. How time warps with a little one around.

10. The feeling of holding your grandchild. For some reason when I thought up my life I never really thought up this part. Besides being amazing, it gives this interesting feeling of perspective and connectedness that I don't often feel.

I cannot believe how quickly two months has gone! Now my grandson is a giggly piece of delightful chubbiness. And I couldn't be happier to be a grandmother. It is truly So Amazing! :-)


  1. I just think what a wonderful description of what becoming a grandmother was like for you (hope to experience it myself some day!)

  2. I absolutely love being Nana. There's something so wonderful about it that is just undescribable.
    For the record I wasn't disappointed in YOU. I was disappointed in not getting to share in your wonderful rendition of your day. There is a difference you know. Besides a long Sunday nap is a great trade off.

  3. LOVE times a billion. And I didn't even realize you missed Sunday until you said something. So maybe next time don't say anything and nobody will notice. :-)

    Also, I am so glad you did not show any pictures of me in labor, directly after delivery, or anytime in the hospital. Thank you. The picture you did include of me is beautimous. And so is my baby. And so are you. And you still look 29. And people still drop their jaw when they hear your real age.

    I hope I get your young genes... Especially since the no-stretch-marks ones didn't work out so well...

  4. cute!! I love hearing the view from a grandmother's perspective! It meant the world to Mitch and I to have my mom here when Nathan was born. We scheduled her flights, having no idea when he'd come, and he came the day BEFORE she got here! It was perfect b/c of the emergency surgery situation...everything was calm by the time she got there! Then she could just help and help and love on everyone until she left! It was wonderful :o) I can't wait to experience it all as the grandparent, not the parent...I loved that sentence!

  5. The photo of Karissa and her baby and the chubby Dodds baby photo are my favorites of the post... awesome! I so related to your experiences. During my daughters' and daughter-in-law's labors, I marveled at their strength (and did a lot of praying). There's no experience more wonderful than being a Mimi, Nana or Grammy!

  6. I am in love with these pictures of your grandson and I know you are in love with the "real" deal! You are beautiful, grandma!

  7. Wow, do I love, love, LOVE that picture of Karissa and her baby boy! I DIE over that dimple of hers and she's barely even smiling!

  8. I didn't notice the no Sunday thing either, until you mentioned it.
    I LOVE your pictures! They are wonderful. I think the feet are my favorite. They are so unexpectedly wrinkled! But there are lots of great shots here.
    And I have never really thought about being a grandma yet. But you made me feel what it might be like one day. Sweet.


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