Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Blog Disclaimer #1

Yesterday it took exactly a second and a half after clicking "publish post" to realize that by saying I would do this daily for 13 days I jumped in way over my head. And by over my head I mean I just might drown before Blog Day 3.

Thus starts my list of Blog Disclaimers.

Blog Disclaimer #1 - In spite of the spiffy title, "Point, Shoot, Speak", I might not post a photo every day. I'm sure you're dying to know why. I will tell you. It's because there just isn't a picture for everything.

Here is a perfect example. I wanted to write about how I came up with the name for my blog. But it really is a story just about names. And how do you photograph that?

I thought about this. A lot. (Insert a vision of me flailing and screaming, "I'm drowning! I'm drowning!")

After much thinking (flailing and screaming) I came up with an idea. A very bad idea. This was it.

How I Named My Blog 
By: Kamian
Yes, this is a real name.

Below is a series of photos. 
What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you see each one?
(Not including photo critiques.)

If the first thing that came to your mind was, "Uhhh...random", you were right on track and we should go to lunch.

And while we're on the topic of random...my name. Kamian. A little random. No one else has it, no one has heard of it, and no one can pronounce it. Or spell it. So it seemed simple to use my name to name my blog. But it wasn't simple at all. First I tried "Kam's Place". Taken. By someone named Amelia. Yes, Amelia. Amelia who had named her blog, "Kam's Place". Does anyone else feel like this is just wrong?

So I tried several variations on Kam. Taken, taken, and taken. This took a few days to get over. It made me wonder if I wanted to blog at all. But after the shock wore off I tried the more obvious, Kamian, because no one has this name, right? Not right. Kamian was actually taken by some person who had combined the names of her "beautiful" children, Kamryn and Christian, to come up with the blog name..."Kamian". And she has not entered a post since April of 2006. I didn't even know you could blog in April of 2006! Enter a few more recovery days. And a big sigh. For several reasons. Mostly because I didn't know you could blog in April of 2006.

This left me with no choice but to get creative. Ew.

The End

That pretty much is the end of the story. I don't even remember how I came up with the name, "Point, Shoot, Speak". Except that I had to, and once I did, I liked it. So it stuck.

And now you see what I mean. There just isn't a picture for everything.

That about covers it for Blog Disclaimer #1.


  1. I have enjoyed your two posts thus far.

  2. That is the funniest story I've heard yet about naming a blog. What is up with people taking a unique name that isn't even theirs? Amelia? Becomes Kam's Place? I don't even understand that.
    What you came up with as a result is great!
    Happy Blogging!

  3. Oh, I thought you named it after the way you plan to respond to any dummies that might try to enter your home uninvited. BAM!!!! "oh, do I know you? Would you like me to call you an ambulance?"

  4. I love your blog! It made me laugh-in a good way of course!

  5. I just discovered your blog, and I am so happy to see that you have joined us. I am hooked, and hope that your 13 days turns into more. I love the title. Very fitting. Oh, and I would love to join you for a half marathon. Oh, and I completely agree about the treadmill. YUCK!!!

  6. Love this! Your blog is adorable and so fun to read! And I love your hubby's comment! I think Mitch would've said the same thing :o)

  7. Um... I just really hope that that is dad with his head where the tire belongs and his bum sticking out... wearing a suit. It's just too funny :)

  8. bahahahaha! I love dad's butt sticking out of the jeep that looks like a strange version of a one legged pirate.


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