Wednesday, March 2, 2011


The other morning we had the most amazing amount of fog and I thought it would be a good idea to take some photos. I learned something. Most fog doesn't really photograph that well. At least for me. But I did find this super incredible tree. And I took its picture. It stood very still.

Here it is far away.

And close up.

And closer up. 

Can you see why it caught my attention? 

Look at the way it is all straight and strong on one side and all twisted and tangled on the other (pic 1). The straight and strong part is interesting for a study in contrasts. But I've been mostly intrigued by the twisted and tangled part.

Because it reminds me of stuff.

Like bad hair days.

And my brain when rummaging through sales racks.

And Christmas lights that I put away neat then retrieve looking like knotty (naughty?) shoelaces.

And my brain on mornings like this morning when I poured my little dog's food into his water bowl. Yes, the water bowl already had water in it. And then dog food. Courtesy of my brain.

And wet laundry when I pack it into the washer too tightly.

And...mostly my brain. (I can close my eyes and see all the little neurons firing. Then over-heating. Then exploding.)

Usually I find all kinds of life applications in nature. Often having to do with my brain. So now I'm curious. What do you see in this tangly twisty tree?

And please do not say, "Your brain."


  1. I see a network of nerves and other parts of the organ that controls by body. Notice I didn't say brain.

  2. I see Kronk's shoulder angels "He'll lead you down the path of righteousness, but I'll lead you to the path that ROCKS!"

    P.S. Your blog makes me giggle :)

  3. so true! what an amazing tree!!

  4. I love the responses! Thank you! Anyone dare wax philosophical?

  5. Your distant tree shot- My eyes are on the climbing tree with long-forgotten slats. It makes think back to childhood when I'd climb the slats as high as I could to observe the world from afar. Your last two shots- I'm the tree struggling to stay straight, reaching for the light... surrounded by all the twists, turns and distractions of life that are bent on changing my upward direction.

  6. Donna - great comments! Thank you for sharing.:) Miss you!

  7. I see an idea for an after-school Public Service Announcement commercial: "This is your Tree.... This is your Tree on drugs.... Any questions?"


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